July Update

July Update

What a wild summer. It is either sweltering hot or it rains. I'm not a big fan of hot weather as I have spent most of my free time dreawming of moving to a cooler climate although that seems hard to find this summer as it seems it is just hot everywhere.

Summer is one big distraction. Our daughter is out of school - so all routines are on hiatus for the moment. It has made it extremely difficult to do anything remotely productive. We have been making big plans - for September at least.

We will soon be on vacation for a week and then we will begin to really prepare for what is to come next. For Joe that is to finish the draft for book two - A Monster in Paris - which is the sequel to The Hunger. For me well that is still a mystery but I will be doing more blogging and creating more content for social media. We are hoping to do some videos and other fun things.

Also in September we will be launching a 9739 newsletter so be on the lookout on how to join that mailing list. Those who receive the newsletter will be privy to content that doesn't make it to the blog or to anywhere else for that matter. Hopefully it will be entertaining and useful.

I find that the more detailed plan I have, the more likely I am to follow it. So I am trying to plan out as much as possible leaving nothing to chance. It's hard to come up with plans when you are a Mom and Pop organization that make all the decisions. Sometimes just making decisions can be very tiring. So a plan really helps.

While there is not too much to report, just know that soon we will be back at the writing including the next book and some short stories.

Until then, stay cool!

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