Creating a Backup Plan for Your Files


When writing a story the last thing you want to happen is to lose your file. But things happen. Backups ensure that you lose a minimal amount of work. Here are four options for backing up your files while listing the pros and cons.

Save file to external media like a USB drive/memory card

pros - Your precious hard work will be saved in a separate media that is not dependent on your computer. You can then store the media at another location so if a physical disaster happens, your backup will be okay. cons - They are small can become corrupted. Saving to it will mean a lot of small steps that might mean you backup less often especially if you opt to store in a location not close to your working space.

Save to the cloud

pros - Your files are in a secure location that is not in your home. Secure in a sense of if there is a disaster in your home it is safe. If your computer fails, your backup is safe. cons - Basically the cloud is someone else's computer and therefore the security is only as strong as their policy. It's a good idea to do a some research to find out their security policies on how they keep your files safe.

Save to another hard drive on computer

pros - It is easier to save. It is less likely to have two hard drive failures at the same time, so odds are that your backup will be reliable. cons - It is an expense to buy another hard drive. If you are not computer savvy or just don't want to do it, you will have to pay to have it installed.

email a copy to yourself

pros - There is a second copy that you can search for in your inbox. At least you will know where the backup is. cons - It can be tedious to mail yourself a file. You can also quickly wind up with multiple copies of the same files cluttering your email.

While backing up files is not a fun activity and can be time-consuming, it could save you in the long run.

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