Reaching Your Reading Goals

I love to read. Well, I love to buy books. It only makes sense that I love to read as to why would I buy books just to buy them. Like so many other readers, I struggle to find the time and energy to read. Just make it a priority and set time aside. If only it was that easy.

To motivate myself to read more, I joined the Goodreads 2021 Reading Challenge vowing to read 24 books in a year. January started off quite nicely as I finished two books and started a third one. At this pace, I knew I would meet my goal.


Sadly, I did not keep up. The reason? One reason was I got stuck reading a book that I just couldn’t finish but kept trying. Then I just got out of the reading routine and haven’t gotten back into it. I’m determined to meet my reading goal and spend the rest of the year devouring as many books as possible.

Tracking Progress

Tracking your progress is a win in itself.

Tracking the books in Goodreads is really motivating and a good reminder. Sometimes goals can fall off the radar but if that goal is written down, it stays with you. Looking at a goal each day forces you to make a decision: will you move towards that goal today or not? It’s so easy to not move but once you get started, then the progress is addicting. If I am not forced to look at my tracker every day then days if not weeks go by without any progress.

I plan to make my reading goal more visible and hopefully will get back to reading soon.

July Update

July Update

Finishing a book you don't enjoy