2024 Outlook

2024 Outlook

It's the second week of January and we're still planning our 2024. There's so much we want to do but need to be realistic as independent book publishers who are just getting started. Still, we are building systems and routines that will help us reach many milestones this year.

Our biggest book project will be releasing the sequel to The Hunger. While this has been in the works for a while, the story just hasn't worked. Joe is reworking the outline and taking out some of the plot tangents for a more streamlined story. While that means a total re-write of the book, all is not lost as what has already been written can be re-worked into short stories.

Joe hopes to work on some other books as well and as for me, I'm working on a comic book. I've been doing some webcomics and now I want to take those characters and make a vignette-style comic with them. I'm excited for this project and will provide updates.

So there is lots to do and we're excited to get started. We are setting up a project management workflow to help us keep track of progress and manage goals. I have discovered a love for project planning so hoping the interest stays and we can make great accomplishments in 2024.

Regular updates are coming this year, too. Look for those early in the week. Along with that, we will have a weekly article or short story. We are taking this small venture more serious in 2024 as one day we would like to do this full time.

Thank you for reading this far and coming along for the ride on our book publishing journey! Here's hoping your 2024 is a spectacular year.

Roll a Story - Horror

Roll a Story - Horror

2023 Year in Review

2023 Year in Review