2023 Year in Review

2023 Year in Review

  1. What a year. I would love to fill this update with our successes this year but alas, I can't.

2023 was a struggle. We started the year with big plans - finish The Hunger 2, write a new book - but those plans didn't have a support system. We knew what we wanted but failed to plan how we actually make it happen.

So 2023 was a good year for that. We learned some things about ourselves like what doesn't work as motivation. We definitely learned the value in having a plan even if our company is just the two of us. The more structure we have in place, the better we both work.

For 2024 I do want to revive our role playing game guide for new game masters. We are only a few chapters in but I think it is worth finishing.

Also in 2023 I wasn't consistent with updates to the website. I think knowing that I have a weekly update to give to you our dear readers motivates me to actually have something new to report.

On a personal note, in 2023 we lost a close family member who was one of our biggest cheerleaders and supporters. She believed in us at times when we didn't so we must move forward.

Next week we'll discuss our plans for 2024 plus the system that we plan to use to make it happen.

2024 Outlook

2024 Outlook

Morning Pages