Game Master Beginnings

Game Master Beginnings

This is the first chapter in our series for beginning game masters.

So, you want to be a game master? Great! It is a fantastic way to enjoy role playing games. RPGs - or role playing games - combine a game system with creativity. You will be bound by some rules but also have some freedoms. Now that you have made this wonderful decision of becoming a GM, where to go next? We have a few ideas.

Choose your genre

There are many genres that have a role playing game attached to it. There are fantasy worlds, science fiction, and dystopian just to name a few. There are even role playing games where you play animals. Whatever your interest is, chances are there is a role playing game system for it.

Find players

Finding players is an easy enough task. You may already be part of a role playing group and have some players interested in your adventure. There are other people who would love to play in your game.


Your friends might give the game a try if they like spending time with you and believe that they will have a good time. So work on that ‘elevator’ pitch for your adventure. More on choosing the actual adventure later but for now let’s say you already have chosen the adventure. Maybe your game will feature fairies and gnomes. It just so happens that you have a few friends who love these creatures. While they might not be role players, they might enjoy getting to spend some evenings immersed in a world where they exist.


Your favorite local gaming store (FLGS) is full of potential players. You can hang out and meet new people or possibly post your interest on the store’ bulletin board - which is a staple in most gaming stores. The best reason to look at your FLGS is that folks who enjoy the same things you do are there all under one roof.


The beauty of finding online players is that you can either play in person if local or play virtually. More on playing virtually in a future chapter. Just know that it is possible and the option exists. Finding players online gives you a bigger player pool especially if your gaming genre is unique like steampunk vampires. You are more likely to find people who have just been waiting for your game.

Choosing your first adventure

As the game master, you will be in charge of everything in the world. It takes a fair amount of preparation time to get ready for a gaming session. Many game masters use a module which is a premade adventure that will help greatly with preparation. The module contains all the information needed to guide players through the adventure. You will still have to prepare when using a module. You will need to completely read through the module and make some notes. Players might be familiar with the module already but that could actually work to your advantage as you navigate the story, they will choose the right path keeping the adventure on track.

Modules will list what level the character should be as this will help with planning. You may need to tell your players to build a character who is already fourth level so they will have a fighting chance in making it through it. Not only do characters of a higher level have more hit points, they have more skills and rank. They will need this experience to make it through the module. For your first module as a game master, modules that do not have a high level for players should be easier to manage. It will be less as a new GM you will have to prepare for.

The Game Master is a Storyteller

Telling an interesting story and engaging your players makes the game more fun for everyone. Your players will be clamoring to get into your next game. While we might not all be actors, the more you get to know your NPCs - or non-playable characters - the better. “What’s my motivation?” is a great question to ask your NPCs. You may be a barkeep who has a hot tip on a dragon hoard or a merchant selling a magical treasure map. These personas are part of your story and you will need to know who they are. Giving them a personality will not only add to the current game but could be NPCs you can reuse in future game campaigns.

Players enjoy role playing games for many reasons. Making the adventure a well-told story will keep players engaged and coming back for more. A game master who can weave a story into an adventure with creative characters and charming anecdotes will always find players who want to sit at their table.

Next month we will explore how to actually prepare for your game session.

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