The Torchbearer Part 1

The Torchbearer Part 1

The Torchbearer

Jory arrived at the tavern late in the day and was surprised to see adventurers still hanging around. He wasted no time in approaching the merry band of four. "My name is Jory — son of Godwin the blacksmith — and I am looking to have a great adventure." The men sat in silence when it was broken with hefty laughter from the dwarf at the table soon followed by chuckles from the other three.

"Wow," said the tall human, "We haven't seen that type of enthusiasm around these parts in quite a while. It just so happens that we are about to set out on a great adventure and need someone of your- um -talents to join us."

Jory was very excited, so excited that he hadn't mentioned any of his talents. But still, Jory was now part of an adventuring party and that was all that mattered. In fact, Jory was so excited he nearly forgot to ask where they were going.

"To Dragon Mountain." the tall human replied. "No one has been to Dragon Mountain in years." thought Jory. He continued, "We have it on good authority that the dragon has been slain and his treasure sits unattended. My village lost a lot to the dragon to which I plan to reclaim." Jory got the feeling that not everyone shared the same idea of giving back the stolen goods. Everyone seemed to nod in agreement with the human but who could tell if they were being sincere. Still, Jory didn't care what they did with the treasure. He was just excited to finally do something.

"Excuse our lack of manners," the normal-sized human who was dressed in robes and wore a holy symbol around his neck chimed in, "Let us introduce ourselves. My name is Alastar, humble servant of a Thagamoar. This is Rox, the most pleasant gnome you will meet. He has some unique skills and even more of a unique personality. Don't let his demeanor cause you trouble. He means well. And this is...."

"I can introduce myself, I am Gordon of the Green Hammer clan." The dwarf began. "I only care about the mountain as my people were chased away by the dragon."

"And the best for last I guess?" said the tall human. "I am Jacob — guard of the followers of Thagamoar who have been devastated by dragon attacks for centuries. I have assembled this party to help me take back what rightfully belongs to the people of this land. There will be plenty of time to get to know one another since we have a full day of travel ahead of us."

Jory had spent his life in this village doing whatever his dad had asked of him including becoming an apprentice to the blacksmith. Jory longed for something else — something more — from life. He would spend hours at the tavern not drinking but listening to stories of adventurers passing through and desperately wanting to be a part of them. On Jory's 18th birthday, he decided that the blacksmith profession wasn't for him and quit — greatly disappointing his father. Jory felt that if he could go on a noble quest — or any quest — then he would feel vindicated about his decision.

"We were hoping we would find just the right person to join our party." Rox chimed in. "Glad to have you as part of the team," he said with an expression that made Jory question if he was being sincere. "Well I will be glad to do my part," Jory felt obligated to say as the thief kept staring at him like he was waiting for a response.

The adventurers were set to leave for Dragon Mountain at first light. The trip would take a day so Jory packed accordingly. Since Jory had never left the village to go on an adventure, he was glad he had bought a kit from a local merchant that contained everything he needed. He gladly paid ten gold for all the essentials he would need.

Before first light, Jory awoke and gathered his things. He grabbed a loaf of bread and a pint of water on his way out the door. Jory felt a sense of accomplishment that he had already come so far. It hadn't even been three days since he left his blacksmith apprenticeship and already he had found gainful employment as an adventure. Not just any quest either. This was a noble quest. One that surely the bards would write great ballads about inspiring future adventurers. Plus this would validate his decision to his father.

Yes, Jory just wasn't reclaiming stolen treasure; he was becoming a role model to the next generation. Jory arrived at the tavern already pretty proud of himself without setting a foot outside of the village. Soon the party had all arrived and was ready to leave.

Jory knew what everyone was expected to do but wasn't sure of his role. What had Jacob seen in him that made him so quick to accept him in this company? Jory imagined that news of the great blacksmith apprentice was looking for new opportunities. Swinging heavy metal for the past two years had left Jory with a nice physique. If he was taller, then he surely would have been warrior material. But his small muscle frame just wasn't the classic hero look.

Jory had always wondered why his father didn't want him to become a farmer and take over the family farm someday. Jory loved the outdoors and knew all about how to live off the land. Jory was reared by his father; his mother left when he was still a baby. His father didn't mention her much so Jory found out what he could from the townsfolk.

Jory's mother was an adventurer at heart. On one of her journeys, she had stopped at the village to rest when she was befriended by a farmer. She fell in love and stayed — well at least for a while. Apparently, love doesn't conquer all, and Jory's mom chose a different path.

Soon the party stopped for a meal. Jory volunteered to find food. He had learned how to forage for food from his cousin. Soon he returned with many berries, editable twigs, mushrooms, and honey. After everyone had gotten their fill, they set off until they were almost at the entrance of the cave.

The night was fast approaching so the adventurers would rest here and then enter the lair at first light. While Jory was still excited, exhaustion had caught up with him as he slept hard until awoken by Gordon. It was finally daybreak and Jory was soon ready to face whatever challenges the day would bring.

Before entering the cave, the party decides on a marching order. "Jory needs to be first, followed by Rox, Gordon, me, and Alaster." Jacob says as he lights a torch. As they enter the cave, Jacob hands the torch to Jory. "Here you will need this." "You want me to carry the torch?" Jory asks, "but I'm first, shouldn't I carry a sword or something like that?"

Jacob smothers a laugh. "But you're first. It makes sense you would have the torch. Besides, you have never been adventuring, this is how you serve the party the best."

Jory lets that sink in and begins to realize that his special skills are that he is alive. This will be a life lesson for him. Next time he will ask more questions.

Jory takes the torch and heads first into the cave.

Part 2 coming in May.

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