How to Gain an Audience

This blog post update is mainly my ramblings of how to gain an audience on the Internet. So let's get started.

Let it be Known you are doing a Thing

It doesn't matter what you are doing be it writing, painting, crocheting, etc, you need to tell people you are doing it. This may seem obvious and I agree. I used to play piano but hated to play in front of anybody. If I had dreams of being a pianist then I would have a serious problem because if I do not enjoy performing then I need to abandon that thought and move on. So, share what you are doing especially if you would like to take it to that elusive next level - whatever that may be.

Who do I tell?

Think of your Thing that you are doing as good news. You are doing something that brings you joy. Who do you tell when you have good news? Do you tell your Mom? How about your spouse? Your best friend? Make a list of people you share good news with. This is your beginning audience. They are a great starting point because they obviously care a great deal for you. They will be supportive and hopefully positive.

How do I tell?

That is up to you! I would consider an option that gets the most bang for the buck, so to speak. Sure, you could call them but they you've told one person. Rinse and repeat. Now two people know your good news. You could do a group text but some folks like that but others do not. Your best option is to post it on social media plaform like Facebook or Instagram. Create an account that is just for your Thing and share that good news. Encourage your friends and family to follow, like that account. Now when you post content, your friends can like it and maybe even share it with their friends.

How do I grow beyond that audience?

So now you are sharing your Thing through it's own social media accounts and your friends have been doing their part. You have maxxed out your reach for your initial audience. Now what? You can always branch out to another social media platform. It helps if you are active on it since you will already have some idea as to what works and what doesn't. If you have friends who share your Thing are active active socially, then reach out and see if they are interested in collaborating. This will give you exposure to their audience and vice versa.

Maybe you can be a guest on a podcast? It doesn't have to be about your Thing. They will most likely give you an opportunity to promote your Thing. Think about celebrities. You always see them more when they have a new movie out. This is common practice. So maybe there is some other interest you have and a podcast you already listen to. Why not reach out to see if they are interested?

These are just a few ideas to get you started. We'll be sharing things we've tried in the coming weeks with the plans of making this an ongoing series.

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