February Update

February is an incredible month. Not only is it my birthday month, there is Valentine's Day and President's Day to break up the last full month of winter. Even though spring isn't official until later in March, we usually see some reprieve from winter by the end of February. Well, at least where we live.

February was not an incredible month for writing. The winter blues compounded by a freak snow storm has left us feeling a bit loss and away from the writing. There is really no progress on the sequel to The Hunger. I had planned to run an Amazon ad just mainly for a learning opportunity but failed to do so. Not only did the writing stall but also the marketing side as well.

As we look forward to March, it's a chance to reset those February goals but first analyzing to fine tune them. We have been lax on our creative process but hope to return in March.

Because of the extreme weather we saw for half of February, I have stopped walking everyday. It's amazing how missing just a few days of a habit knocks you back so far. Walking is my thinking time and I have missed that especially in this Covid world where we are always around each other. While that is great because I get to spend my day with my favorite people, it means those quiet moments by yourself are far and few between. Walking gives me that.

With the new month, we have amended goals that include what was missed in February. By the end of the month, we hope to have a nearly completed manuscript for book two and some marketing data gathered from at least one Amazon ad.

Reading Your Spouse's Novel

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