Preptober Planning

September is coming to an end and soon October will be here. October is a great month for many reasons: cooler weather, Halloween, football, and plenty of art challenges.

This year I will be doing both Comictober and Promptober. Both have 31 prompts to draw. I can't wait to get started. Another challenge I will be doing is Preptober.

Preptober is a writing challenge. It's a time to prepare for National Novel Writing Month or NANOWRIMO which is November.

For Preptober, here are my tasks I plan to complete:

Refine Story
I have a rough idea so it needs some direction.
Make Outline
I may or may not follow but it's nice to have.
Pinterest Mood Board
For inspiration.
Doodle Characters and Settings
This will help when it comes time for the book cover. Let's be positive that I will win NANO.
Start a story bible
I want to be proactive and create this as I write. I haven't even written the first book but thinking about a couple of others set in the same universe.

Each week in October I will blog my progress with the hopes it will keep me accountable and on track.

Preptober Week One

Roll a Story - Science Fiction