Camp Nano Project Sneak Peek

Camp Nano Project Sneak Peek

Camp Nano is held in the months of April and July. It's very similar to NANOWRIMO - National Novel Writing Month - but you do not have to work on a novel. You can work on any creative project.

I've been wanting to try my hand at making a comic, so I thought Camp Nano would be the perfect opportunity to explore it further.

My idea centered around a taco who is lost and just looking to get home. I wanted to keep the artwork as simple as possible so that I could do it myself and not be overwhelmed with anything too complicated.

I outlined what I wanted from each page and then began to make the pages. I have 22 pages lined out and have completed two with a third in the works.

Lessons learned is that after I made my outline I should have thumbnailed each page because just working off my outline I'm changing up some minor details as I go which affect other pages. With a thumbnail sketch I would have already worked through this.

Here is the first page of the comic:

It still needs some work but Iā€™m glad for what I got done especially since I quit on the idea at least five times. I will take a break from it for May and then return to it later. The next Camp Nano is in July so I will return to this project if I do not have it finished. My next step is to create thumbnails for the rest of the pages. I would like to finish this in a reasonable amount of time and have it available here in the 9739 store.

Year in Review 2022

Tales from the Table - Draug

Tales from the Table - Draug