Quarterly Planning

What a year it has been and it's only the beginning of April. Not gonna lie, we have done very little with 9739 year to date. We are looking to turn that around in the second quarter.

A review of the first quarter of the year looks like this:

January - prepared for a February move
February - bought a house and moved in
March - settled into new home amid a global pandemic

The good news is that since we have been doing next to nothing for our business that anything we do will be progress!

We will have a quarterly planning meeting tomorrow and then I will outline here the outcome of that. Personally I am looking to add a project to our publishing calendar this year. We are still looking for publish a trilogy by year's end. The first book is done (all that is needed is final edits) and book two is nearing completion. So we are creeping closer to goals.

Being at home all the time is challenging since we are all here, but it is beginning to feel like the norm. Hopefully that means we can return to doing the tasks that we need to do to get this venture off the ground.

Short Story - A Story from The Sprawl

Short Story - A Story from The Sprawl

2019 Christmas Letter from Lynn