For All Intents and Purposes

For All Intents and Purposes

9739 Publishing was formed to publish my own writing, but already my wife and partner is planning more. She wants to publish the works of other people, starting with anthologies. I have to admit that I love and hate that idea. I love the idea that I can help other writers become published, but as a publisher I am committed to presenting the most entertaining stories submitted to us. This means reading a lot of submissions and rejecting almost as many. I hate the idea of being the one doing the rejection. Hell I started this publishing company with my wife just to avoid rejection. The burden is real, but hopefully so will the joy.


Another issue I see in the future is needing to network. I hate networking. I’m horrible at talking about myself, and I crave genuine relationships and acquaintances over those based solely on personal gain be it one sided or mutual. I am going to need to meet many people of various stripes to perform a variety of functions. I need to be able to respect these people and maybe even like them in order to work with them more than once. When I talk to these people, I may wish to hire their services or publish their works, but I also want to be able to chat with them. I don’t chat with normal people very well. This is going to be a struggle, but I know that in a crowd of creatives, I feel more at home than anywhere else. These are my people. I just hope I can find my tribe within them. That might be difficult as I feel like they are all my tribe.

Thanks for reading my ramblings. Go forth and create something new.

What Are We Reading - Joe

What Are We Reading - Joe

Hello World!

Hello World!